Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Earning Money online: Hot issue is now.

First Steps  for Everyone

                Either before or during the process of setting up your online business, you will need a domain name. Because most of the “good ones” are already taken, you will probably need to be creative in giving your online presence a catch name. For example, “My Website” is long since off the table. However, you can add to the basic site name with dashes, unique identifiers, or even calls-to-action:

o    My-Beyond-Awesome-Website or My-Cool Jewels-Website may be available. Similarly, could be another direction: it not only has a unique name, when give it out, you’re putting them in the frame of mind to buy.

o    Note that most web hosting sites have a method for securing domain names. Bear in mind that whether you secure a domain name from your host or from a traditional domain registrar such as Network Solutions, the results are identical—the primary difference is price, so shop and compare before signing on the dotted line.

2.      Keep it keyword-rich.
                          One of the things that will make your business successful is if people can find you. Most people will pull up Google or Bing, and perform a search such "plumber, Portland" or "Graphic designer, industrial design." Whatever it is you specialize in, be sure that the copy on your site reflects that as often and as varied as possible.

  1.    Be social.                   Whatever your business, whatever your venue, keeping your name in the the air is key to internet success. Have a business account on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If your business is graphically oriented, have accounts on Flickr and Tumblr as well. Whenever there is news of any kind—a new contract, a new page, a new entry, a new photo—cross-post it to all your social media sites. Also make sure those sites link back to your main website, and that your website has links to all of them.(wait for next epsodes)

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