Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Be Sharp …….. Enhance your memory

Be Sharp       ……..      Enhance your memory
"We don't remember days, we remember moments". How can I improve my memory? How can I boost up my mind? The majority of people, particularly those who are not as insightful and intelligent as Einstein, would want some memory improvement and boost up mind tips to improve  and enhance their memory. If you want to make your memory better, then the following tips can help you achieve that.
                    A fun-filled and worthwhile activity that both adults and children can enjoy is playing games. Playing games do not only help us socialize and/or pass the time in a fun way, it can also give us great benefits that can enhance our overall well-being. There are many different kinds of games that can be chosen from. There are physical games that can help strengthen our bodies and make us healthy. There are also intellectual games that can increase our knowledge while there are also memory games that can help our brains become sharper.
                 I found the best time to do my writing is in the middle of the night, when there are no e-mails, phone calls, or text messages breaking through my concentration, or into whatever I am doing at the time. This extra cohesiveness in my schedule allows me to work uninterrupted.

                   Exercising regularly can improve, fresh up and strengthen your memory and help you think better. Such exercises include a simple jogging or walking. These exercises may not be extraordinary, but they're worth it. You simply need to keep your body fit.
                   In the event that you are to exercise your body, you may exercise your brain as well. Utilize your brain muscles more frequently - think and study. You may read, chat with other individuals or even play instructive and educational games.
Take your testing skills to the next level and improve learning with a simple memory trick. You might understand something, but recalling it for a stressful test can be difficult. This memory trick might just be the answer to your testing troubles.

                    Experts believe that you should sleep for no less than six to eight hours a day. Don't deny yourself of rest, and you will then understand that your brain will function. Sleep well and your body will revive itself. Why should you deprive yourself of such pleasure? The brain functions better after more hours of rest.
Our day's activities make us exhausted, which makes our brain very tense an fatigue.  Along these lines, we should relax - relax with a glass of fresh fruity juice  or enjoy a movie - to clean our mind of everything that put stresses and worries on our thoughts.  It makes us relax.

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