Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pakistan in Crisis ……………….. How can we resolve!

Pakistan in Crisis  ………………..    How can we resolve!

        Since the birth of Pakistan every government has appealed for national unity. Pakistan has run into crisis after crisis, each graver than the preceding, and unity has eluded us despite all the fervent appeals made. There must be serious reasons why crises should exist in abundance and not unity. These reasons need to be examined.
        Our country has been threatened by two sorts of crises—a general one affecting the world, but particularly Asia; and the other casting its gloom over the subcontinent. There is an obvious connection between them. Of whatever sort the crisis may be and whether simple or manifold, the situation has to be understood properly.
        Pakistan is caught in a whirlwind. As we look back, we find a dangerous tendency for international and subcontinental  problems to get fused together. To maintain the view that crisis is the order of the day, a natural phenomenon of this restless age, is pointless. The prevailing demoniacal trend requires to be reversed.
          Pakistan, our much-loved homeland; is passing through challenging times in regard to economic, social and political turmoil. Crime rate is increasing, with a fast depletion of natural resources, deteriorating agriculture and power shortages, with instances of severe human right violation and sufferings of the common man. There are demonstrations and strikes, brutalities and scourge that affect hundreds everyday. In such a chaos there is still a huge quantum of hope along side, there is anticipation and prospects en route for accomplishment and triumph. Consequently, there is a huge responsibility lying on the young generation’s shoulders, towards nation building. To bring the state of affairs back on track the youth has to play its proactive role to help change things for better, and to revive the state of affairs from getting worse.
          Youth all over the world through history, has been a revolutionary force. It is the precious asset and opulence that can revive a nation going through hard time. Youth of a nation can do wonders if availed, trained, educated and informed in an optimum fashion. Literally it refers to all the human force in a nation lying between the age group of 18 – 29 years. Though tender an age, yet the intellect, physical strength and wisdom it possesses has no parallel.
            Youth comprises the major portion of the demography in Pakistan. An educated and well informed youth can revive the present state of restlessness in the country. However, we shall elucidate the youth role towards a peaceful and tolerant society in an elaborate manner. It follows a hierarchical procedure in order to trigger, implement and then maintain a desired state of mind among the people. Theory without practice is of little use. Change and innovation needs to be implemented at the grass root level .

Our circum­stances prompted one to reiterate some old resolutions made over the years. The first one is: One shall give up all hypocrisy and shall not tell a lie or make a false promise, and shall try to do unto others what he expects oth­ers to do unto him.
Second is affirma­tion of another resolution: One shall never cast agreedy look at possessions of others with the intent of ac­quiring them by means beyond one’s legal competence and right, or try to destroy property or assail the beliefs of others out of jealousy, envy or greed.
Third  is the affirmation of still an old resolve: One shall not walk on God’s earth with disdain, or be arrogant in speech, action, gesture or de­meanour; and one shall not vilify oth­ers behind their backs or indulge in transmitting gossip and hearsay. 
These resolutions do not need a saint to ful­fil, nor will they make anybody an angel. They also would not metamor­phose the society. But they can help create a body of individuals who be­lieve in peace and civilized way of re­solving discords. This may be one way of creating harmony, tolerance and un­derstanding between followers of di­vergent perceptions, thus building a gentle and magnanimous world.

We can make a list of possible national objective goals and aims could include the following wishes: 
·         We want to become a literal and educated nation.
·         We want the country to be free of hunger and poverty.
·         We will like to make our defence invincibl­e even if it involves continuous struggle and deprivation.
·         We will like to be known for our civilized ways and our respect for women, the aged, and the children.
·         We want to achieve high standards of scholarship and make the country known for academic and scientific excellence.
·         We wish to acquire the highest standards of honest righteousness and devotion to duty.
·         We will like to be good human beings, caring and respecting the rights of others.
·         We will like to leave this world in a better shape than how we got it at our arrival.
·         But we also want to be champions of every game that we can play. 

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