Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Most beautiful Places to Visit

The Most beautiful Places to Visit………. In Pakistan

            Pakistan has great and vast natural beauty and a very attractive culture that results in a lot of people visiting Pakistan every year. When it comes to travelling, everyone has different taste. Our bigger cities and cultural destinations like Lahore , Faisalbad and Karachi attract both foreigners and local tourists. The people who have interest in archeology have places like Taxila or Harrapa and Moenjodaro. Mountain trekkers have K-2 and Nanga Parbat
            Pakistan have world’s most beautiful places, specially at its best in northern areas of Pakistan and Kashmir region. This part of the country is famous all around the world because of sky high mountains, lush green and attractive valleys, mighty rivers, beautiful lakes, and amazing fauna and flora. The Pradise on Earth ‘Neelum Valley’ Mini Switzerland ‘Swat Valley’ and Mountain Kingdom ‘Hunza valley’ are the major tourist attractions in Pakistan. All these places have real natural beauty of the world.
Here I’ll discuss some  place for your interest  in brief.

Hunza Valley
        The visitors to Hunza are overwhelmed by the rugged charm, the fragrant breeze singing through graceful Poplar trees and the velvet-like green carpet of wheat fields, set against the background of snow-covered mountains.

Kalash Valley
          Kalash Valley is a group of three small valleys: Brir, Bumburet and Rambur. Brir lies at the southern most tip of Chitral .It is easily accessible by jeep-able road via Ayun. It is especially ideal for those not used to trekking. Bumburet, the largest and the most picturesque valley of the Kafir Kalash, Itis connected by a jeep-able road.
        Rambur is 32 km (20 miles) from Chitral, the road is jeep-able.
These valleys have an alpine climate. The people inhabiting these valleys are the primitive pagan tribes of Pakistan.Their origin is cloaked in controversy. A legend says that soldiers from the legions of the Macedonian conqueror, Alexander, settled in Chitral and are the progenitors of the Kalash.
                  The Kalash love music and their instruments are drums and flutes. Their colorful dances impart a feeling of peace, joy and contentment. If you join them in their dance, they interpret it as a sign friendship and will open their hearts to you and reveal some of their mysteries, their joys and sorrows. These beautiful people live native the most attractive and stunning place f the world.

Swat Valley
               Swat valley is one of the most beautiful valleys of the world. The lush-green valley of Swat, with its rushing torrents, icy-cold lakes, fruit-laden orchards and flower-decked slopes is ideal for holidaymakers. It has a rich historical past, too. This is "Udayana" (The Garden) of the ancient epics; the land of enthralling beauty.Some years back a military operation kept tourists from visiting Swat but now the situation is back to normal and Swat is yet again the paradise.

               Swat, the land of romance and beauty, is celebrated throughout the world as the holy land of Buddhist learning and piety. Swat acquired fame as a place of Buddhist pilgrimage.
Mingora and Saidu Sharif ar capital cities of Swat area.
It is mini Switzerland .Swat is surrounded by Himalayas and Hindukush. The valley is full of fragrant fruit orchads, rivers, and some glaciers. 
Marghazar, 16 km from Saidu Sharif, is famous for its “Sufed Mahal” the white marble palace of the former Wali (Ruler) of Swat. Kabal is 6 km from Saidu Sharif with its excellent golf course.
Malam Jabba
          At 2,636 m above sea level, Malam Jabba Ski Resort stands on top of a mountain of the Hindukush range, north east of Saidu Sharif. It is 314 km from Islamabad and 51 km from Saidu Sharif
Around The Swat
Miandam Valley, Madyan & Bahrain,Kalam,Ushu, Matiltan and Mahodand Lake,Utrot-Gabral Valley are the important places to visit

Kaghan Valley
           Kaghan is a jewel among the many beautiful valleys in the Mansehra District of Hazara in the KPK Province of Pakistan. This 160 kilometer long valley is most popular summer holiday spots for both Pakistanis as well as foreigners.
 It is terraced from river to hilltop. Kaghan valley is truly green with a lot of pine forest. Kaghan valleys lush greenry reminds you of the Alps. Kaghan valley offers great trekking opportunities. Many people visitng Kaghan valley go for Jeep safari. Kaghan valley is very beautiful. Travelling through the valley you can follow the bends and turns of River Kunhar and see the beautiful towns of Shogran, Kaghan and Naran.

            Naran is the middle point of Kaghan Valley and it is a place. This is the place of out-door pleasure. Here you'll depart from the river Kunhar and on both sides of road there are vast fields. Don't look here and there the melody you are hearing is provided by the river Kunhar who is with you on same level. If you like climbing this is a place for you because there are mountains all around you.

A vacation in Kaghan Valley is an unforgettable experience!
             Murree is a very popular hill station about 50 km north of the capital Islamabad while Abbottabad is a city in KPK province. The main tourist stay is in the town of Nathia Gali and the resort of Ayubia. Nathia Gali is known as the City of Fog for it can get very foggy here. The usual definition of fog doesn't stand here.
            This area receives the highest rainfall in Pakistan and it always seems to be raining here. But the main beauty of this area isn't high mountains, it's the greenery. There is no place in this area where you won't find monkeys, real free monkeys. They are everywhere, in your hotel lobby windows, in the open barbecue, on the road; just everywhere you cannot miss them. The area is just brilliant with good hotels and all facilities. By the way, it can get pretty cool out here even in the summers so bring something warm.
Neelam Valley
             Neelum Valley is situated to the North & North East of Muzaffarabad. Running parallel to the Kaghan Valley, it is separated from it by snow covered peaks. Excellent scenic beauty, panoramic view, towering hills on both sides
of the noisy Neelum river, lush green forests, enchanting streams, high altitude lakes and attractive surroundings make the valley a dream.

Karachi beach.
     Karachi is not only about tall buildings, market places, buzzing traffic horns… The densely populated city Karachi is blessed with a range of beach spots where people can go and enjoy a calm holiday.
Some of the well known beach spots in Karachi are: Hawke’s Bay, Manora Island, Seaview, Cape Monze, Clifton Beach, French Beach, Gadani, Paradise Point and Sandspit Beach.

(Main Source:, and Wikipedia)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO)

                    SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” listings on search engines.
                  All major search engines such as Google,  Yahoo and Bing etc. have such results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users.

                         In other words, Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's .  In general, the earlier and more frequently a site appears in the search results, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users.  SEO may target different kinds of search.
                       SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines..
   I  think, as  a marketing strategy, SEO is not  an appropriate strategy for every website  and other Internet marketing plans can be more effective like paid advertising through PPC campaigns, depending on the site operator's goals.  A successful Internet marketing campaign may also depend upon building high quality web pages to engage and persuade, setting up analytics programs to enable site owners to measure results, and improving a site's conversion rate.
                   SEO  is making  small modifications to different parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results.
 -       Plan your page and draw a sketch on paper.
-       Start your page with a unique “NAME” of your page.
-       Start with keywords strategy.
-       Focus on one subject  and select
Page title tag
            Description tag
-       Target each page’s SEO on a primary and a secondary keyword. Don’t make the common mistake of using different pages to target the same keywords.
-       Meta tags are important. In essence, they tell Google and other search engines what the content on each page of your site is about. And yes, every blog post and Web page needs a meta description. Meta descriptions make it easier for others to find your site because of the keywords you use in the description. (The content on each page should also support your keywords.)

-       Surely: you've always wanted to crawl inside Google's brain. Get a jumpstart with the On-Page Optimization Tool, which lets you see your site as the search spiders do. Use the tool to evaluate and refine site elements like internal links, meta information and page content.
-       Check web page size and load time, and modify your page.
This way you’ll gradually improve the performance  and result of your pages.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Education System in Pakistan

Education System …………………… in Pakistan 

“Build a nation, change a nation and stand a nation for progress and prosperity.”
                      At independence, Pakistan had a poorly educated population and few schools or universities. Although the education system has expanded greatly since then, debate continues about the curriculum, and, except in a few elite institutions, quality remained a crucial concern of educators in the early 1990s. 

                Adult literacy is low, but improving. In 1992 more than 36 percent of adults over fifteen were literate, compared with 21 percent in 1970. The rate of improvement is highlighted by the 50 percent literacy achieved among those aged fifteen to nineteen in 1990. School enrollment also increased, from 19 percent of those aged six to twenty-three in 1980 to 24 percent in 1990. However, by 1992 the population over twenty-five had a mean of only 1.9 years of schooling. This fact explains the minimal criteria for being considered literate: having the ability to both read and write (with understanding) a short, simple statement on everyday life. 
    Relatively limited resources have been allocated to education, although there has been improvement in recent decades. In 1960 public expenditure on education was only 1.1 percent of the gross national product (GNP); by 1990 the figure had risen to 3.4 percent. This amount compared poorly with the 33.9 percent being spent on defense in 1993. In 1990 Pakistan was tied for fourth place in the world in its ratio of military expenditures to health and education expenditures. Although the government enlisted the assistance of various international donors in the education efforts outlined in its Seventh Five-Year Plan (1988-93), the results did not measure up to expectations. 

                      Pakistan inherited the system of education from British but after that no significant changes has been brought in education system of Pakistan. Consequently, the literacy rate have become less than the regional countries which got independence abreast of Pakistan. According to the Education Report 2009, it shows overall figures on education, literacy rate rose to 67 pr cent in 2009-10 than it was 57 per cent at the period of 1998-99. Out of literacy rate, male literacy stood 68 per cent and female 58 per cent in 2009-10. Female literacy rate was 57 per cent in 2008-09. Therefore, a slight one per cent increase was recorded during the period of 2009-10.

                           The education system in Pakistan is generally divided into five levels: Primary,  (grades one through five);  Middle  (grades six through eight); High:  (grades nine and ten, leading to the  Secondary School Certificate or SSC) , Intermediate (grades eleven and twelve, leading to a Higher Secondary School Certificate or HSC); and  University  programs leading to  under graduate  and graduate degrees.
                     . There are thousands of schools and colleges with millions of teachers and other employees. Education is carried out in three stages years. After Secondary School Certificate students joins Higher Secondary School or College. After passing intermediate examination brilliant students with excellent grades go to join professional colleges such as Medical, Engineering and Computer and Commerce Colleges. Others may continue their education to Graduation and Post graduation level. Almost all universities offer courses of Master's M. Phil and Ph. D. degrees.
                           There are many semi autonomous boards of intermediate and Secondary Education meant for prescribing syllabuses for secondary and intermediate classes and conducting their examinations. Universities have their own boards of studies and examination departments. There is Allma Iqbal Open University, Islamabad in distance teaching through correspondence. 
  Broadly speaking there are THREE secondary education systems that exist in Pakistan: the SSC, HSC education system locally termed as the Metric/Intermediate system administered by the Board of Secondary and Intermediate Education (BISE); the GCE (General Certificate of Education) system that replaces the SSC/HSC with O and A levels, administered by external British Examination Board of Cambridge; and the ‘Maddersah’ system that is responsible for primarily providing religious education to children at secondary level. The education provided by the current SSC/HSC system has become totally outdated and given the pay scale of the average Pakistani citizen not everyone can afford to have their children study in the GCE system. There is need of a more balanced education system that provides up to date education to cater the needs of the modern world along with sufficient importance given to subjects like Urdu and religion .
The situation is especially alarming in rural areas due to social and cultural obstacles. One of the most deplorable aspects is that in some places, particularly northern tribal areas, the education of girls is strictly prohibited on religious grounds. This is a gross misinterpretation of Islam, the dominant religion in Pakistan (96 per cent of the population), which like all religions urges men and women to acquire education.
                         In many rural areas, there is no single primary school nearby. The gap of literacy rate between urban and rural areas is also considerably huge. (e.g. In Punjab, near capital city has more than 80% literacy rate, while rural district has only 30 plus %). Large majorities of respondents of recent polls are critical of the poor quality of public schools and expect more, especially in terms of large students' strength per class, poor quality facilities and unmotivated teachers.
                       Under the 18th Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the Concurrent Legislative list has been abolished and consequently subjects enumerated in the Concurrent List have been transferred to the Provincial governments. In this context, the roles and responsibilities of Literacy and Non Formal Basic Education Department (LNFBED), Government of Punjab were expected to expand their mandate with additional new functions such as development of 1.curriculum, 2.syllabus, 3.planning, 4.policy, 5.centers of excellence and 6.standards of education. Taking this opportunity, LNFBED had revised its Rules of Business in order to harmonize with the current situation and needs of literacy and Non-formal Education.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Affiliate Marketing ......... Earn Money Online

Affiliate Marketing               Earn Money Online   

Affiliate Marketing is a cash generating, a fantastic,  marketing method. It can be utilized to earn a bit of extra money or developed into a full blown Internet Marketing Business.
This Marketing Business model is suited to everyone really. You can start an online Affiliate Business almost instantly and on a shoestring.
Affiliate marketing at its very core is about relationships, a relationship between three parties:
A publisher is an individual or company that promotes an advertiser’s product or service in exchange for
earning a commission. Advertisers contractually agree to work with a publisher, then provide the publisher with creative – in the form of links, banner or text ads or even unique phone numbers – that the publisher incorporates into their website.

In the world of affiliate marketing, an advertiser can be a company selling a product like electronics, airline
 tickets, clothing or car parts, or an advertiser could also be an insurance company selling policies. The most important thing to remember is that you are an advertiser if you are ready to pay other people to help you sell and promote your business.


The final component that completes the affiliate relationship triangle is the consumer. The consumer is the one who actually

sees the ad and then makes an action (either by clicking a link or by submitting their information via a form) that takes them from the publisher’s website to the advertiser’s to complete the action, which we call a conversion.

Briefly, here are the Steps to Affiliate Marketing:
  •       You look into your mind and see what lurks there that can help you start a business, your passions, your interest, your talents, your knowledge. If you do not have passion for what you are doing, you will not stick with it because affiliate marketing takes a lot of work.
  •        You look for a market within a large market called a niche market. You become a member of this market and work from within the market. If you do not, you will be an outsider. Who will trust and believe you when you promote a product or service? The answer is, hardly anybody. So you join forums and make contacts and contribute to the community until they trust and know you. And of course, you stay there.

  • You provide relevant information to your niche. You find out what they are looking for and you provide it. I'm talking about page content on your new website. I'm talking about your postings on your blog. Folks on the Internet are looking for certain information. You need to provide it.
  • You join affiliate programs or create your own products or services and you tell your readers about them, you rate them, you compare them, you actually use them so that you can recommend them. You do not sell them. Usually your vendors have pages that do that written by professional copy writers. It is the vendor's job to sell. It is your job to promote.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Now you must bring traffic to your site. Here is the rule: No Traffic = No Income! So you have to learn how to attract readers to your site by SEO, email marketing, social marketing, article writing, posting on your blog, writing pages for your blog and other methods such as adding ads to newsletters from other publishers. (Yes, you will be a publisher.)

Here are some of the better known sources for affiliate marketing products:
AMAZON -       Amazon provides a greater degree of flexibility on what you can sell as an affiliate marketer but be prepared for low commission payouts. They provide excellent tools for product promotion.
CLICKBANK -   It Is probably the best known of the affiliate networks .They can supply you with thousands of digital products and make it simple for any potential marketer to secure promotional material. You will discover commission rates in Click Bank of up to 70% due to easily downloadable digital products which do not require handling or shipping. If you can attract a high volume of traffic to your affiliate offers you can make a lot of money.

It is easy to get involved and become an affiliate for every person. There are lots of programs there that you become a part of and these are often free programs. All you have to do to join is to register your details with the program you chose.
You do not need to be an expert of any kind about the product your website is advertising. You can just enjoy the income you earn just from holding their advert. You do not have any of the usual hassles of being involved in a business when you are an affiliate. You just put the advert  and you get to enjoy earning from it.
Another benefit of being an affiliate is that you will not have to deal with customer queries and complaints. These are dealt with by the merchants. Your role is to direct the customer to the merchant.
And you will not have to deal with employees or an employer either. You are your own boss when you become an affiliate marketer. There is none of the usual stresses and problems that are a part of most working environments.
There are many affiliate network sites out there, including Google, PayDotCom. Adsmain.Com,  Affiliateprograms.Com , Affiliateseeking.Com ,  Cj.Com ,Digibilly.Com ,
Payspree.Com , Productpay.Com , Skimlinks.Com 
and Hydra.
( Source:  Internet, Newspapers, Media)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bootable USB Drive

How to Make Bootable USB Drive :
When we need to install windows or other operating system, We Buy CD Drive. Generally CD drives damages due to multiple times’ installation Many time usage damage it. On the other hand, USB Flash drive doesn’t corrupt after Dozens of Installation or after much more usage. Neither USB drive damages widow’s data nor does it give file missing error. You may find many methods to create USB bootable Drive but most of them are too much difficult.
Here is the easiest way to create a bootable USB Drive.
Rufus is a utility to make bootable USB Flash Drive. This Software can install any windows OS in within 15 minutes.
Flowing things are required for installing windows via USB Drive.
Minimum 4 GB USB Drive Stick
·          Register Windows File
·         ISO File Maker (Recommend Magic ISO maker)
·         Rufus v1.3.4 (Download Link)
Step 1: You need ISO Format of Windows, Linux, UEFI, etc. you can also convert Normal Windows DVD drive into ISO format.

Step 2: How to make ISO format file .you create ISO format files through Magic ISO method.
Step 3: Insert USB Drive in Your PC and Following Windows will be open automatically.
Now complete the steps like given in blow image and click start.
This process will take almost 15 minutes and then now your USB drive has will become Bootable Windows drive.
