Sunday, January 26, 2014

Affiliate Marketing ......... Earn Money Online

Affiliate Marketing               Earn Money Online   

Affiliate Marketing is a cash generating, a fantastic,  marketing method. It can be utilized to earn a bit of extra money or developed into a full blown Internet Marketing Business.
This Marketing Business model is suited to everyone really. You can start an online Affiliate Business almost instantly and on a shoestring.
Affiliate marketing at its very core is about relationships, a relationship between three parties:
A publisher is an individual or company that promotes an advertiser’s product or service in exchange for
earning a commission. Advertisers contractually agree to work with a publisher, then provide the publisher with creative – in the form of links, banner or text ads or even unique phone numbers – that the publisher incorporates into their website.

In the world of affiliate marketing, an advertiser can be a company selling a product like electronics, airline
 tickets, clothing or car parts, or an advertiser could also be an insurance company selling policies. The most important thing to remember is that you are an advertiser if you are ready to pay other people to help you sell and promote your business.


The final component that completes the affiliate relationship triangle is the consumer. The consumer is the one who actually

sees the ad and then makes an action (either by clicking a link or by submitting their information via a form) that takes them from the publisher’s website to the advertiser’s to complete the action, which we call a conversion.

Briefly, here are the Steps to Affiliate Marketing:
  •       You look into your mind and see what lurks there that can help you start a business, your passions, your interest, your talents, your knowledge. If you do not have passion for what you are doing, you will not stick with it because affiliate marketing takes a lot of work.
  •        You look for a market within a large market called a niche market. You become a member of this market and work from within the market. If you do not, you will be an outsider. Who will trust and believe you when you promote a product or service? The answer is, hardly anybody. So you join forums and make contacts and contribute to the community until they trust and know you. And of course, you stay there.

  • You provide relevant information to your niche. You find out what they are looking for and you provide it. I'm talking about page content on your new website. I'm talking about your postings on your blog. Folks on the Internet are looking for certain information. You need to provide it.
  • You join affiliate programs or create your own products or services and you tell your readers about them, you rate them, you compare them, you actually use them so that you can recommend them. You do not sell them. Usually your vendors have pages that do that written by professional copy writers. It is the vendor's job to sell. It is your job to promote.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Now you must bring traffic to your site. Here is the rule: No Traffic = No Income! So you have to learn how to attract readers to your site by SEO, email marketing, social marketing, article writing, posting on your blog, writing pages for your blog and other methods such as adding ads to newsletters from other publishers. (Yes, you will be a publisher.)

Here are some of the better known sources for affiliate marketing products:
AMAZON -       Amazon provides a greater degree of flexibility on what you can sell as an affiliate marketer but be prepared for low commission payouts. They provide excellent tools for product promotion.
CLICKBANK -   It Is probably the best known of the affiliate networks .They can supply you with thousands of digital products and make it simple for any potential marketer to secure promotional material. You will discover commission rates in Click Bank of up to 70% due to easily downloadable digital products which do not require handling or shipping. If you can attract a high volume of traffic to your affiliate offers you can make a lot of money.

It is easy to get involved and become an affiliate for every person. There are lots of programs there that you become a part of and these are often free programs. All you have to do to join is to register your details with the program you chose.
You do not need to be an expert of any kind about the product your website is advertising. You can just enjoy the income you earn just from holding their advert. You do not have any of the usual hassles of being involved in a business when you are an affiliate. You just put the advert  and you get to enjoy earning from it.
Another benefit of being an affiliate is that you will not have to deal with customer queries and complaints. These are dealt with by the merchants. Your role is to direct the customer to the merchant.
And you will not have to deal with employees or an employer either. You are your own boss when you become an affiliate marketer. There is none of the usual stresses and problems that are a part of most working environments.
There are many affiliate network sites out there, including Google, PayDotCom. Adsmain.Com,  Affiliateprograms.Com , Affiliateseeking.Com ,  Cj.Com ,Digibilly.Com ,
Payspree.Com , Productpay.Com , Skimlinks.Com 
and Hydra.
( Source:  Internet, Newspapers, Media)

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